Wednesday, April 23, 2008

4 Months Old... Look What I've Learned

I've learned to suck my tumb.

I've learned to ignore my binky and savor my fingers.

I've learned to sit up by myself for a few seconds at a time.

I've learned to make my poo go out the front of my diaper.
And I'm happy about it...


a.t.a said...

I changed my baby's clothes four times the other day because she kept pooping out of her diaper!

Jen & Johnny said...

Your blog looks darling!!!! Love it!! Your little princess is so darling!! Can't wait to see you guys again and play with her!!!

Kristin Kimble Purles said...

Fun times as a parent! Layla seems pretty advanced for her age. Sometimes I forget that she is only one month younger than Willow. Willow isn't sitting up yet but has been sucking her thumb for months. At first I didn't like it and pulled it out, now that I realized she can calm herself with it I give it to her! Layla looks like a Lueck!