Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Stupid? Probably...

So, It's Tuesday night about 9:30 pm. I just got home from doing a twelve hour shift. I will add that it was busy day at work.. Not on the top of my game anymore. I had to meet Paul and Denny's in Bountiful to switch cars to get Layla. I get home and was just coming around the car and I see this black dude walking right towards me with a backpack. He starts yelling, "hey!". I said hey back...don't know why. So he starts jogging over to the garage. I was thinking, "holy s***t, whats he going to do to me?!??" and I pretty much froze. He gets to the garage and says you got to check this product out! He was selling Advantage The Wonder Cleaner. Starts showing me how his product worked. Cleaning the spots off of the concrete and the rims of the hummer. Cleaning the windows of the hummer. I felt like I was a participant on an Infomercial. Well I do have to say the stuff did work and is pretty cool. But that's beside the point. So then he ask to use my phone. Then right after he starts fumbling in his bag...I'm thinkin...CRAP!!!! Then he said he was looking for there number and then found it. He called his boss and was wondering where his ride was. I could hear the boss, he sounded mad. We chatted for another 25mins...I know you guys are thinking I'm the biggest idiot EVER! He called another number. Finally found his driver. They were pulled over by a cop just one street over from my house. Then he said he will just walk over to them. Then a cop pulled up to my garage and asked this guy for his ID and said that they still had his buddies. The guy was getting a little agitated because he had to show his ID and that is pals were still stopped. Then the officer said get in the car, and off they went.
So I have to mention now. That when the guy was trying to find that number out of his bag I remember seeing a paper with a police signet on it. I don't know if it was a simple ticket or something worse. That just has stuck out in my mind now...
And right now I'm thanking the Lord that I am ok and that my child is ok to. I am writing this because I kind of needed to vent it and realize that could have been bad and that I'm a moron and none you people do something so irrational too.
What would have you guys done in this situation? Would you have:
A: Closed the garage quickly?
B:Listened to his Schpeel?
C:Told him to get the hell away?
D: Don't know what you would have done...probably froze too.

More to the story...
So my friend Tiffany just called me and said that the people that were polled over were right in front of her house . The cops had pulled over a van and the people inside all got out and I guess there were about ten black men that were in the vehicle. So I was describing the guy to her and she said that was the one who was arrested!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHH....what the world. So once again I am thanking the Lord that nothing has happened to me in my stupidity.


kelcy said...

Oh my gosh!! my heart is racing just from reading it. Scary!! I'm glad everything is OK. I think i would have jumped back in the car and locked it and drove off. Love You!! :)

The Hollands said...

Ashley, This is Alisa Holland from the branch...I don't know if you remember me but we met at that A-Z enrichment.

Anyway, Tiff just called me and told me to read this post! HOW SCARY! Tiff called me at 10.30 last night telling me to look out my window because there were cops arresting guys! Very very creepy!

Of course, if it were me in that situation I would pulled out my mad ninja skills and gone crazy all over his face...why didn't you think of that option? I AM SO GLAD YOU ARE SAFE!!!!!!!!!

So I'd love to be blogging friends (if that is okay) but my blog is now private...email me your email address if you want and I will send you an invite!

BTW, your little family is so ADORABLE!

a.t.a said...

I'm so glad you're safe!

Alice Kravitz
(you know, the crazy neighbor lady on Bewitched)

The Augustus' said...

Geez Ashley! I probably would have froze and then closed the garage door on him. Times like that you need some pepper spray or mace! ha. Glad you're ok!