Sunday, June 8, 2008

Tending The Niece and Nephews!

Kara cuddling with Paul because she missed her parents!
Layla getting a bath after one of her MANY blowouts!
Even and Jeremy at their baseball game!
Layla eating bananas for the first time
(to help slow down her diarrhea)...she doesn't like them.

Layla just sleeping funny...
she loved their port-a-crib it was so colorful!

Paul and I tended to our niece and nephews while Paul's brother Dave and his wife Kristin were in Mexico. We were there from Tuesday to Saturday night. It was pretty good time watching the kids. They are so well behaved. We really only had to feed them;clean up diarrhea off of the rugs 'cause Kara didn't quite make it to the bathroom; clean Tinks mouth from eating that diarrhea; watch lots of Sponge Bob and eat waaaaaay to much junk food! Oh, and Layla had Rotovirus and a really bad diaper rash we were battling to! All in all it was a great time.


The Augustus' said...

Sounds like you have had a busy week! Scuba is kinda scary...there is a lot to think about while down there 30 feet under water! I'm not sure I totally like it yet. My husband says it gets to be more natural after a while.

a.t.a said...

Oh my goodness...he ate the poo? Ewww. Sounds like quite the week. The picture of Layla eating was hilarious.