Thursday, November 20, 2008


Are we bad parents because we gave an 11 month old a sucker? I hope not...
All I can say is Layla just loved that sucker. I won't be giving her another one anytime soon, because it is soooo messy and requires a bath afterwards. It was sure fun watching her go"mmm" and then smack her lips. It wasn't so fun trying to pry it out of her death gripped fingers. I wish we could have gotten a picture of how mad she was when we took it away. It was priceless.


Erin. said...

Nope, you're not bad parents. We've all done it, and really the best time to do it is when you're on a long trip and she is screaming in the carseat or on the plane. I don't care how messy it is, it is a lifesaver sometimes! I used to keep a little stash of Dum Dum suckers in the diaper bag for just such a day. They were smaller, and so not such a big mess. You've discovered one of a moms best kept secrets!

Tobi said...

Horray for suckers! The best is if you can find the ones with plastic sticks. Then your kid doesn't get the sugar and the paper in their mouth.

a.t.a said...

I'm sure she just loved it! Wow she has so many teeth! When did she get all of those?