Wednesday, August 20, 2008

She Said YES!

Ricky and Leah tied the knot on August 16, 2008. Paul and I had a blast being in Las Vegas. It sure was different toting around a 8 month old. We wanted to stay up late and play, but we couldn't because of Layla's schedule. I think Vegas overstimulated her. She would not go to bed until midnight every night! Thankfully she would sleep in too and not wake up at eight(her normal wake up time). It felt odd walking through the casino with her, but had so many people say...Oh a baby! She is so cute!...that made me feel better about it.

Anyways, back to the wedding. Ricky and Leah got married at 11 am at the Las Vegas Temple. Their sealing was beautiful. It was nice and hot outside, but the lord blessed us with a cool breeze that made it more bearable through all the photos. After the temple we went and ate at Macayo's. It was sooo good. (That is the restaurant where my mom got her recipe for her famous Del mundo's and hot sauce). Then we all separated ways and then that night it was the reception. The food was great. She had chicken piccata, pasta with different toppings, rolls, and salad. The drinks were awesome. They had lemonade with cucumber slices in it. I was nervous to try it,but I love it! I want to recipe for it. Their cake was also delicious. We all just sat around and chatted it was a great time. I'm so excited for Leah to be in our family. Her personality just wins you over right away. Ricky is so lucky to have found such a beautiful eternal companion. He is SO in love....but you can surely tell she just adores him. Congratulations to Ricky and Leah. We are so happy for you!

The Cake

Saying "hello" to Grandma Lueck

The nieces and nephew practicing their send off bubbles

At Ricky and Leah's new apartment.
Todd and Paul arm wrestled.....Paul won :)
At my Bro Robbie's house. Kelcy, London and Layla.
I think London had a butterfly wings for everyone
Layla was fascinated with Leah's brothers was hilarious
He didn't mind her playing with them.

First time out as Mr. and Mrs. Lueck!
Leah Ricky and Camryn
Mom and Leah

Monday, August 4, 2008

Baby (Stair) Steps

Layla continues to stretch the limits of her capabilities. She is already well beyond where we are told she should be physically and just the other day she decided to take her prodigy-like coordination to the stairs. As we watched television we suddenly noticed that Layla was not around and quickly found her scaling the stairs. It was an awesome sight as she ascended the seemingly impossible obstacles with her little legs. Yup, our little girl is growing up way too fast....stay tuned because who knows whats next, skateboarding???